Bobby's Big Hit -
Bobby was a toddler with a dream, He wanted to play Little League baseball it seemed. He'd practice and practice all day, Swinging his bat, throwing the ball his way
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He'd practice in the morning, and practice in the night, He knew that with practice he'd be alright. He'd practice in the rain, and practice in the sun, He knew that practice was the only way to get it done
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Bobby worked hard, and he worked long, He knew that if he tried, he'd be strong. He'd practice and practice, and practice some more, He knew if he worked hard, he'd be sure to score
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And sure enough, Bobby's hard work paid off, He played his best and his team won the toss. Bobby was proud of himself, and he had a smile, He knew that practice helped him go the extra mile
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So if you want to achieve your goals, Remember to practice, and practice your soul. Put in the time, and never give up, And you'll be sure to reach the top
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